Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Wednesdays are long days...

Today as been a bit of a long day, as usual on Wednesdays, but a good day none-the-less. I was up late studying last night so I´m pretty tired, but life is good.

I took my parcial for Anthro this morning and I think it went well. I´m not quite as confident as I was at the end of the last one, but I think I did well anyway and that I won´t have to take the final. I talked with some of the girls after class and we´re hopefully going to get together next weekend or something. That would be fun.

Went from there to Lit, as usual. Today we had we had someone come in to speak with us. Don´t know how much you know about the 70´s in Argentina, but basically there was a genocide in which the government detained/sequestered "insurgents," who where then tortured, killed, forced into exhile, or "disapeared." Lots of students, intellectuals, artists, etc. Today José Sculman came to speak with us. He is a survivor who was captured/detained/tortured twice and now he writes about the experiences and the time period and whatnot and works with a human rights organization. It was really powerful. And intense. He read us some of his stuff, which gave it a whole new dimension. Good class. Scary stuff that happened.

(Sorry, I feel like my English is really awkward right now. I´ve been in classes in Spanish all day and I´m having hard time coming up with the right words)

Anyway, in a bit I have choir and then I´m painting tonight--yay!

Tomorrow I´m going on a tour with my Culture class to see French influences in the city. While part of this includes architecture, etc, it also means the methods or torture used in the 1970s, so we´ll be seeing some pretty powerful stuff tomorrow as well.

It´s so strange that, when I´m learning about things that happened during the time there are so many references to places in and around the city that I know. I have my own associations with these places and to put them in the context of such horrible events is just.... such a strange and disconcerting thought.
It´s hard to imagine the people who lived through the time or are survivors. First, that its real and they lived it and its not just a "story" or a "far away history" and second to think how so many places in the city have memories or history attached, but its everyday places all around the city.
I´m not really sure if that makes sense or not....

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