Wednesday, September 26, 2007

A quick attempt at an update...

About 2 weeks ago I left for my first trip with the program to Jujuy, a province in the North-West corner of Argentina. Now I´m about to leave for the second trip, to Córdoba, and I still haven´t updated.
Jujuy was fun. Hopefully I´ll be able to explain it more later but, for now: We went from Wednesday to Sunday and it was wonderful to escape from the city for a bit. We were in the mountains/desert and it was really pretty and each day we traveled to visit a different part of the province. It was a bit more educational than I had expected--it was a seminar with UBA Philosophy and Letters, so we had guides and lectures at the various places we visited.
The trip to Córdoba is apparently more relaxing. I´ll let you know when I get back (I promise!).

Last Friday was the first day of Spring and also Student´s Day, so no one had classes. Someone told me that students´day is to honor the students who disapeared during the dictatorship in the ´70s, though I´m not sure if thats true or not. A few friends and I went to a park to have a picnic and were surrounded by Argentines, though mostly high-school aged. It was a lot of fun.

Sunday night I got to meet some of my extended Argentine family. It was my "aunt´s" birthday, so we went over to her house to celebrate and I met various cousins/aunts/etc. It was fun, though I was very glad to have Annie (my host mom´s daughter´s student) there with me.

Lots more going on, but not enough time to write. Just wanted to let you all know that I´m alive and well though. It must be a good thing if I´m too busy to write, right?

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